Safe. Trusted. Traceable. Food.

A small group can
have a BIG impact.

Our origin story traces back to the start of modern-day organic farming. Headquartered in Southern California, we operate from three domestic locations (and growing) providing direct channels for importing, exporting, processing, marketing, and distributing organic food products to more than 20 countries worldwide. We understand our responsibility as a member of a worldwide food supply chain because WE ARE CONSUMERS TOO!

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We sow you reap

We are doing our part to supply healthy, sustainable foods that nurture nature.

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Ecological-based care and attention is given at every stage of the growing and production process

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Plants are matched to specific growing locations utilizing proper daylight illumination, water sources and healthy soil. These natural collaborators ensure products reach their full potential

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Skilled and experienced producers practice environmentally responsible and sustainable farming practices

Our Products

Our organic crops start and flourish in the purest environments before harvesting to share with the world.